
Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Science Experiment

We had fun at school writing our science procedures then trialing out our procedure. It was amazing watching the power from the venegar and baking soda blow up the balloon.

Haunted house

I.A.L.T put something on my blog by my self

Thursday, September 13, 2018

make a bed

I.A.L.T. copy my procedure about "How to Make a Bed' from Google Docs to a Slide Show

Make a bed

Making Your bed


To have a tidy bed

zip up bed
Pillow case
Teddy bear

1 place your mattress onto your bed base
2. Put your sheet on the mattress your zip up bed on the sheet
4.Put you pillow on the head of your bed
Conclusion: and you will be a good rugby player

How to brush you Teeth

I am learning to write a procedure about how to clean my teeth. First I wrote a Google Doc then I am going to copy an paste the information onto a Google Slide.

Monday, September 10, 2018


I.A.L.T complete a reading inquiry about A.N.Z.A.C 

Procedure-How to Brush Your Teeth

Image result for toothbrush with toothpaste png
Brushing your Teeth
Goal: To brush your Teeth

Equipment: toothpaste, Toothbrush


1.Pick up your Toothbrush
2.Put toothpaste on your toothbrush
2. Wet your toothbrush
3. Stick your toothbrush in your mouth
4. Brush your teeth in the morning and
night time
5. Brush your front teeth  
5.Brush your back teeth
6.Rinse your mouth with water
7.Spit out the rinse


Your teeth will be clean and your breath will be fresh.

Thursday, September 6, 2018



I.A.L.T write on a shared slide I am learning how to put somethings on my blog